If you are looking to organise a trek in Nepal you need to be aware of the risks involved in either air or road transport.

As a result of a number of fatal air crashes in Nepal, the European Commission added all Nepali airlines to its list of banned operators. As no Nepal Airline flies within the EU the ban has a little operational impact. It does, however, highlight the fact that flying in Nepal is a much higher risk than flying within the EU. This increased risk is a result of a combination of old aircraft and flying/landing conditions that are extremely severe.

While on some routes it is possible to avoid flying by taking road transfers, this is not practicable for the Everest region and even for routes where it is possible the road transfer risks are significant. Roads are often in very poor repair and subject to landslides and even though the vehicles we use are all in good condition the general state of vehicles on the road is poor and this increases the risks for everyone.

Unfortunately, there is no way to trek in Nepal and avoid these risks. It is a very underdeveloped country with very weak infrastructure. Before booking a trek or climb with us you need to consider these risks carefully and decide for yourself whether you find them acceptable.