The name Kilimanjaro, is it even a Swahili word? That is where we should start. If you have ever heard of Kilimanjaro, you might have wondered about the meaning of the word. First of all the name is a combination of two words, joined together to form one name for the mountain. “Kilima” is a


Hannelore Schmatz did the inconceivable in 1979: she became the fourth woman in history to reach the peak of Mount Everest. Unfortunately, her impressive Everest climb would be her last. Hannelore Schmatz, a German climber, enjoyed climbing. Schmatz and her husband, Gerhard, set off on their most ambitious adventure yet in 1979: to climb Everest.


Anatoli Boukreev, 39, a talented prominence following his brave rescue mission of climbers in the catastrophic Everest ascent in May 1996, was killed on Christmas Day in an avalanche on Annapurna in 1997 a year after the 1996 Everest disaster. Boukreev and Italian climber Simone Moro, 30, were attempting to climb a new alpine route


Scott Fischer, popularly known as Mr Rescue was one of the world’s most bravest, kind-hearted and talented mountaineers who perished on Everest in 1996 while attempting to rescue hikers. Despite having a solid track record and having climbed the world’s two tallest summits, Everest and K2, catastrophe may strike at any time, and the mountain


Maybe Andy Harris could have survived the Everest Disaster of 1996 had he not gone back to find his colleagues that were in trouble on Mount Everest, on that fateful day. it was his helpful nature that caused his tragic death on 10th May of that same year. A member of Rob Hall’s mission. During
