Can Kilimanjaro be seen from Nairobi, Kenya?

Yes, it is possible to view Mount Kilimanjaro from Nairobi, Kenya, but only in a clear sky day without obstructions, on a high building or on a plane. To view it, clearly, you’ll need to be closer to Tanzania’s border. Amboseli National Park in Kenya is the best site to see Mount Kilimanjaro. Since Mount Kilimanjaro is located just near the border of Kenya and Tanzania, it can be easily seen from Loitoktok town. Seeing this shy mountain that towers into the clouds is a big gamble when you are in Nairobi, Kenya. Everything has to align and the sky has to be blue and perfectly cloudless, on top of that you need to be at a high elevation like on top of a building. As evidenced by these users on Twitter, Mount Kilimanjaro is visible from Nairobi, Kenya, though it is very rare but possible, weather permitting.

Related: Is Mount Kilimanjaro in Kenya or Tanzania?


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