Uhuru Peak Elevation / Altitude: 5,895 meters

Uhuru Peak is the summit point of Mount Kilimanjaro, located on Kibo in the arctic zone of Kilimanjaro and at an elevation of 19,341 ft, it is the highest peak in Africa, followed by Batian Peak on Mount Kenya. This summit point is perched on Kibo Peak, one of the three peaks on the mountain that also consists of Kibo, Mawenzi, and Shira. Now, Kibo is the highest peak of the three volcanic peaks that make up this mountain located in Tanzania and since Uhuru Peak is a summit point found on top of this peak, it means that it is the highest point in the African continent. The other summit points on Kilimanjaro apart from Uhuru Peak are Stella Point and Gilman’s Point.

To climb to Uhuru Peak, you may not need any special equipment since it is not a technical peak but you will need warm clothing and climbing gear because the weather is quite chilly, temperatures here fall well below freezing point (20°F or -7°C to -20°F  or -29°C) with a landscape surrounded by ice, glaciers, snow and bare rocks. It is usually recommended to spend a brief moment at this summit point as there are heavy winds and thin air even though this area does not have a death zone.

Its name comes from the Swahili word for freedom ‘Uhuru’

The majestic Kilimanjaro is comprised of three main volcanic cones, namely:

  1. Kibo (5, 895m)
  2. Mawenzi (5, 149m)
  3. Shira (3, 962m).

Uhuru Peak located in Kibo’s crater rim is the highest summit that climbers from all over the world attempt to summit Kilimanjaro. Reaching Uhuru peak is every mountain climber’s dream

Standing at a staggering height of 5, 895m, Uhuru Peak holds the title of the highest point in the whole of Africa and second in the world.

This peak also holds the bragging rights of being one of the most sought-after mountain summits in the world.

How to climb Uhuru Peak: Video

In order to climb to Uhuru Peak on Mount Kilimanjaro, you need to be mentally prepared, do at least some training to be in your best form, and follow proper acclimatization rules like drinking enough water, having proper planning to prepare for your climb, getting the correct gear, and making sure you eat energy giving foods while on the mountain. Below is a video showing climbers approaching the summit of Uhuru Peak.

The Uhuru peak Signpost

It is at Uhuru peak that the famous, jauntily angled summit sign is erected. This signpost is where every Mount Kilimanjaro climber takes their victory photograph. At this signpost on Uhuru peak, climbers take all kinds of photographs holding flags, raising hands in jubilation, smiling, and other poses.

The Uhuru peak sign bears the famous words “congratulations, you are now at Uhuru Peak at 5,895 m” This sign is more than just a mere sign, it is a symbol of achievement and relief. —These rustic planks made out of wood have become an icon for mountain climbers all over the world.

In full the wooden signpost at Uhuru Peak reads


Uhuru Peak Sign on Mount Kilimanjaro Best time to climb to Uhuru Peak

The best time to climb the mountain to the summit, Uhuru peak is during the dry season months of January, February, July, August, September, and October when it is warm and dry on the mountain.

Uhuru peak Weather & Vegetation Zone

There are no animals or vegetation present at Uhuru peak due to the harsh weather conditions in the area with temperatures falling below zero degrees Celsius, high winds and no rainfall.

The Uhuru peak area is just a vast landscape of pristine white snow and towering peaks.

Mountain climbers go through five different climatic zones before reaching the summit at Uhuru peak.

Uhuru Peak Reviews

Below are some unbiased reviews on our google page from climbers talking about their experience on Uhuru Peak and their ultimate Kilimanjaro journey to the highest peak on Kilimanjaro.

History and origin of the name “Uhuru” Peak.

“Uhuru” is a Swahili word that means freedom. Uhuru peak is part of Tanzania’s (then Tanganyika) history when they were gaining independence from British colonial rule.

On the eve of 8th December 1961, the late Brigadier. Alexander Nyirenda (then army officer) was tasked to erect the Uhuru torch and Tanzania’s national flag on top of Mount Kilimanjaro as an act of celebrating independence.

Simultaneously as the Tanzanian flag was being hoisted at Uhuru peak, the Union Jack (then the flag of Tanganyika) was being lowered at the national stadium as a sign of a change of things in the new Tanzania.

Kaiser Wilhelm Peak

From the past right until about 3 years after gaining independence from the British, Uhuru peak was formerly known as the Kaiser Wilhelm peak, named by German explorer Hans Meyer under the then German colonial rule.

On 06.10.1889 the first climbers of Kilimanjaro Dr. Hans Meyer and Ludwig Purtscheller hoisted the German imperial flag at the then still nameless summit and Meyer as expedition leader called the summit with the right of the first climber “Kaiser-Wilhelm-Spitze”.
Hans Meyer with his comrade-in-arms, the Austrian alpinist Ludwig Purtscheller, officially took possession of the summit for the German Emperor: “I planted a small German flag in my rucksack on the weather-beaten lava summit, cheering three times loudly from Mr. Purtscheller and shouting rejoicing: With the right of the first bidder, I baptize this hitherto unknown, nameless peak of the Kibo, the highest point on African and German soil, with the name: Kaiser-Wilhelm-Spitze 1918 the Zugspitze as the highest mountain in Germany. Wilhelm II received a piece of lava rock from the summit. The Peak had its name changed from Kaiser Wilhelm Peak to Uhuru peak in 1964, three years after Tanzania gained independence.

In place of the flag and torch that was placed on Uhuru peak back in the year 1961, a signpost stands there thanks to the park authorities.

Location of Uhuru peak

Uhuru peak is situated along the crater rim of Mount Kilimanjaro on the Kibo volcanic cone.

The area surrounding Uhuru Peak is covered with temperatures falling even lower at night times.

The high altitude and huge size of the mountain affect gravity on the mountain in such a way that it is difficult to exactly tell which way is up.

The main reason why you need experienced guides and porters to take you to the Uhuru peak is that when you are at the summit you may get lost easily because the peak may not seem like the highest point to you.

Highest Summit on Kibo Peak

The heart of Kilimanjaro is Kibo. Kibo, the highest peak of Kilimanjaro (19,340 ft/ 5,895 m), is crowned by Uhuru Peak. It is here that the conclusion of what we refer to as a “real Kilimanjaro climb” takes place. There are all of the peak camps.
One can witness the renowned Reusch Crater and Ash Pit and Kilimanjaro glaciers in the Kibo crater area.
Barranco Wall, another well-known landmark of Mount Kilimanjaro, is located on Kibo’s southern slope. The view from the peak is nothing short of amazing and is only surpassed by the views from Uhuru Peak itself when Kilimanjaro trekkers pass over it on their route from Barranco Camp to Karanga Camp.

Vegetation and Climatic Zone of the Uhuru peak

Uhuru Peak on Kibo lies in the arctic zone of Mount Kilimanjaro and as you climb to this summit, you pass across many natural zones. The lower slopes range in elevation from 800 to 1800 meters, and residents grow maize, coffee, and bananas in this fertile volcanic soil. Between 1800 and 2800 meters, there is a rainforest zone with abundant precipitation and lovely flowers like Protea Kilimandsharica and Impatients Kilimanjarii.

Between 2800 and 4000 meters is the heath and moorland zone. At night, expect frost, while throughout the day, expect scorching sunlight. The moorland is filled with enormous groundsels. There will be a lot of white-necked ravens around as well. Low precipitation occurs in the high desert, which is 4000 to 5000 meters above sea level. Finally, the summit zone where Uhuru peak is located is almost 5000 meters above sea level and has arctic temperatures at night.

How to get to Uhuru peak

Uhuru Peak can be reached best by trekking because Mount Kilimanjaro is a ‘walkable” mountain. Getting to Uhuru peak can be made possible via a number of routes. These routes vary in the level of difficulty, traffic, and scenic beauty of the surroundings.

The easiest route to get to the Uhuru peaks summit is the Marangu Route and Rongai route while the most difficult routes to climb are the Machame, Shira, and Lemosho routes.

There are approximately 8 routes (including the special permission western breach) that head to Uhuru peak, with most getting there within 5 or 6 days of trekking on foot.

How high is Uhuru Peak?

Uhuru Peak is the highest summit on Kibo’s crater rim. The Tanzania National Parks Authority, a Tanzanian government agency, and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization list the height of Uhuru Peak as 5,895 m (19,341 ft), based on a British survey in 1952.

Which is the highest peak in Kilimanjaro?

Kilimanjaro is the highest mountain in Africa at 19,341 feet (5,895 meters), but it isn’t a mountain in a traditional sense.

How tall is the Mount Kilimanjaro sign?

The sign on top of Mount Kilimanjaro’s peak, at the summit, is located at an altitude or elevation of 5,895 meters or 19,340 ft.
The sign at Uhuru peak has this distance written on it.

How long do you spend at the summit?

The average time spent at the peak is between 15 and 30 minutes, giving you ample time to take in the scenery, take some pictures, have a snack and a drink, and take a break. So that you can potentially reach the peak in time for sunrise, summit day often starts in the middle of the night.

Congratulations, you have reached the highest point in Africa if you make it to Uhuru Peak, which is 5,896 meters high. You won’t be too upset about starting the two-day descent so soon because it will be really chilly that early in the morning.

Is Uhuru Peak the top of Kilimanjaro?

Yes, Uhuru Peak on Kibo’s crater rim is the highest point on top of Mount Kilimanjaro that is why climbers scaling the mountain aim to reach this point on top of Mount Kilimanjaro.

What does the sign say on top of Mount Kilimanjaro?

The sign on top of Mount Kilimanjaro, at Uhuru peak, is a congratulatory message, that says congratulations for reaching Uhuru Peak at a height of 5,895m above sea level which is the highest point in Africa and the highest free-standing mountain in the whole world.

Where is Uhuru Peak?

Uhuru Peak is located on one of the highest peaks on Mount Kilimanjaro. It lies on Kibo Peak, one of the 3 volcanic cones that make up the peaks of Mount Kilimanjaro including Mwenzi and Shira.
Climbing Kilimanjaro from the base of the mountain to Uhuru Peak, the main summit on Kibo would take anywhere between 5-9 days depending on the route you are choosing. Adding extra days to your expedition will aid with acclimatization on the mountain, giving you a higher summit success chance that will help you to reach the summit without difficulties of Altitude sickness.
Even though climbing Mount Kilimanjaro is a challenging adventure, you will not need supplemental oxygen to reach Uhuru Peak, the summit provided you follow the simple rules of acclimatization, “climbing high and sleeping low” and using a slow and steady pace.

How many kilometers or miles is it to reach to Uhuru Peak?

The length of the journey to Uhuru Peak depends on the route you choose to take you to the summit. The shortest trail is the Umbwe route, which is a more direct and steep approach that measures 23 miles (37 kilometers). The longest route is the Northern Circuit, measuring 56 miles (90 kilometers)

Which are the best routes to get to Uhuru Peak?

While the Marangu, Machame, and Rongai routes are more popular since they have existed for a long time, Lemosho and Northern Circuit Routes are the best routes to climb to Uhuru Peak on Mount Kilimanjaro as they are more scenic, long, and offer enough time for acclimatization. Also, they are not as crowded as the other popular routes on the mountain.

Uhuru Peak FAQs

Q: How high is Uhuru Peak?

A: Uhuru Peak is the highest point on Mount Kilimanjaro and stands at an elevation of 5,895 meters (19,341 feet) above sea level.

What is the actual height of Kilimanjaro?

Q: What is the significance of Uhuru Peak?

A: Uhuru Peak is renowned as the highest summit in Africa and is a popular destination for mountaineers and trekkers from around the world. Reaching Uhuru Peak is a significant accomplishment and a personal challenge for many climbers.

Q: How do I reach Uhuru Peak?

A: The most common route to reach Uhuru Peak is the Marangu Route, also known as the “Coca-Cola Route.” Other popular routes include Machame, Lemosho, Rongai, and Shira. These routes vary in terms of difficulty, duration, and scenery, offering options for climbers with different preferences and experience levels.

How to trek to the summit, Uhuru Peak

Q: Can I climb to Uhuru Peak without prior climbing experience?

A: Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro, including reaching Uhuru Peak, requires a good level of physical fitness, mental preparation, and determination. While prior climbing experience is not necessary, it is advisable to undertake proper training and acclimatization before attempting the ascent. Hiring a licensed guide is mandatory, as they provide support, guidance, and ensure safety during the climb.

Can a beginner climb Kilimanjaro for the first time?

Q: How long does it take to climb to Uhuru Peak?

A: The duration of the climb varies depending on the chosen route. On average, it takes about 5-9 days to reach Uhuru Peak and descend, with additional time for acclimatization and rest days. The length of the climb allows the body to adapt to high altitudes and reduces the risk of altitude sickness.

How long does it take to climb to Uhuru Peak?

Q: What is the best time to climb to Uhuru Peak?

A: The best time to climb to Uhuru Peak is during the dry seasons, which are generally from January to March and June to October. These months offer more stable weather conditions and clearer views. However, it’s important to note that Mount Kilimanjaro’s climate can be unpredictable, and weather conditions can change rapidly.

Best time to climb Kilimanjaro to Uhuru Peak

Q: Is a permit required to climb Mount Kilimanjaro?

A: Yes, a permit is required to climb Mount Kilimanjaro, including Uhuru Peak. Permits are issued by the Kilimanjaro National Park authorities and should be obtained in advance through a registered tour operator or travel agency.

Kilimanjaro National Park Fees are explained here

Q: What should I pack for the climb to Uhuru Peak?

A: Packing essentials include proper hiking gear, comfortable and layered clothing suitable for varying temperatures, sturdy footwear, a sleeping bag, personal medication, sun protection, headlamp, trekking poles, and other necessary personal items. It’s advisable to consult with your tour operator for a detailed packing list.

See: Kilimanjaro packing list

Q: Is it possible to experience altitude sickness when climbing to Uhuru Peak?

A: Yes, altitude sickness is a potential risk when ascending to high altitudes, including Uhuru Peak. It’s important to acclimatize properly, stay hydrated, and listen to your body. If symptoms of altitude sickness, such as headaches, dizziness, nausea, or shortness of breath, become severe, it may be necessary to descend to lower elevations and seek medical attention.

About Altitude sickness on the mountain

Q: What are the main challenges when climbing to Uhuru Peak?

A: Climbing to Uhuru Peak presents several challenges, including high altitude, steep terrain, unpredictable weather conditions, and physical exertion. Proper preparation, training, and acclimatization are crucial to overcome these challenges and increase the chances of a successful summit.

Top four tips how to climb to Uhuru Peak successfully

Interesting facts about Uhuru Peak

  • If you’re a professional athlete or an experienced climber, you can reach Uhuru Peak from the Kilimanjaro base in less than a day!
  • Five of the eight distinct ascent routes to Uhuru Peak are often utilized by people who are climbing Mount Kilimanjaro.
  • Uhuru Peak is located atop a volcano that, despite being inactive, has the potential to erupt again in the future.
  • Kilimanjaro altitude sickness is the most frequent hurdle to the Uhuru Peak summit attempt. The trek itself isn’t that difficult, though.
  • You can locate a book that is enclosed in a wooden box near Uhuru Peak. Visitors are encouraged to put their feelings and ideas in the book once they reach the mountain’s summit.
  • Uhuru Peak still has an arctic climate zone despite being just 205 miles (330 km) from the equator where Kilimanjaro’s base is located. It cannot support life for very long.

Additional information

Climatic ZoneArctic Zone

uhuru peak, Kilimanjaro
uhuru peak
uhuru peak, Kilimanjaro